Condo Conversions

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Coalition Urges Congress to Expand Access to RAD

Enterprise Community Partners on why the Rental Assistance Demonstration program... More

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Proven Disposition Strategies

In the first part of this article we discussed the challenges and difficulties of implementing and executing Year 15 disposition strategies; custom crafting the right strategy to fit each property and each market; balancing limited partner, general partne More

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Averting market-rate conversion: One project’s story

Richmond, Va. When existing federal low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) on the Quarter Mill apartment complex in Richmond, Va., were set to expire, the partners in the ownership entity decided to sell to the highest bidder for conversion to market-rat More

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Tenantownership provides viable options

The low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) has helped make affordable housing a reality for millions of Americans. More

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