Meet eight young men and women making waves in the affordable housing industry.

This year’s Young Leaders include a strong mix of developers and owners and finance and resident service executives.

AHF’s Young Leader award was established in 2008 as a way to celebrate and support the development of the next generation of change makers. Recipients are 40 or younger. This year’s group will be recognized at AHF Live, Nov. 18-20, in Chicago.

This year’s recipients are:

  • Perica Bell, managing director, head of preservation, at April Housing;
  • Allyson Carpenter, vice president of development and Northeast/Mid-Atlantic regional leader at McCormack Baron Salazar;
  • Ceceily Cliff, director of resident success at Glick Co.;
  • Jeanne Marie Coronado, vice president, debt and structured finance, at CBRE;
  • Tom Gibson, director of special projects, Community Preservation Partners;
  • Liz Hibbard, managing director and head of innovation and strategic growth at National Equity Fund;
  • Julie Sharp, executive vice president, tax credit equity, at Merchants Capital; and
  • Jimmy Silverwood, president of Affirmed Housing.