Freddie Mac turns its attention more fully to preservation deals in response to... More
The Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) and Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines have formed a unique partnership that will provide up to $50 million in variable-rate index bonds for multifamily developments throughout the state. More
SILVER SPRING, MD. The Argent stood as a ninestory reminder of the troubled economy. More
Tax-exempt bonds offer borrowers many advantages, including low interest rates and the “automatic” availability of 4% tax credits. More
To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of the death of the commercial mortgage-backed securities industry may have been greatly exaggerated. Apartment loans are an important reason why. More
B/K Real Estate Funds, a national real estate advisory and investment firm, has acquired $100 million of tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) housing bonds related to the American Housing Foundation bankruptcy. More
NEW YORK CITY—A major deal has been struck to bring much needed capital to rehab 20,139 units in 21 public housing developments in New York City. More
NEW YORK—Red Stone Partners announced the launch of a $250 million investment fund to acquire fixed-rate tax-exempt multifamily housing bonds and has closed more than $50 million through its direct bond purchase structure. More
Responding to credit market problems that have hampered housing finance agency (HFA) bond programs, the Treasury Department has announced an initiative to support new housing bonds and help HFAs carry existing bonds. More
SACRAMENTO, CALIF.—The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) postponed its first round of allocating low-income housing tax credits so it could put into place the many provisions of the new American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. More