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Seniors Find Energy-Efficient Homes in New Orleans

Heritage Seniors Residences is the final housing phase for Columbia Parc at the Bayou District. More

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The Impact of Sandy on the LIHTC Industry

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will temporarily suspend low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) tenant-income limitations and non-transiency rules to allow project owners to rent their vacant units to individuals and families who lost their homes due to Hurricane Sandy even if those individuals do not qualify as low-income persons. More

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NYCHA Hit Hard by Sandy

Superstorm Sandy delivered a huge blow to New York City’s public housing. More

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Standing Up for the Gulf Coast

Progress has been made in New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf Coast in the five years since Hurricane Katrina. More

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Insurance Costs High and Rising

Hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks: If your apartment property could potentially be damaged by any of these things, then renewing your property insurance policy probably will be a painful experience this year. More

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