Two Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco programs fuel affordable housing... More
The debate over how to reform our nation’s housing finance market will take place this spring in Congress. For those of you who want to get serious about promoting affordable housing and ensuring that we don’t see another discussion draft created without external input, now is the time to call both of your senators. More
Freddie Mac turns its attention more fully to preservation deals in response to... More
That was the question on everybody's mind throughout 2011, as the limbo stick of... More
Freddie Mac will soon add affordable housing products to its Capital Markets Execution (CME), the company’s securitized mortgage program. More
The Chicago-based Community Investment Corp. (CIC) recently announced a five-year $400 million loan fund to help resuscitate the area’s affordable housing market. More
Fannie Mae is offering competitively priced debt for the affordable housing industry as it mulls a return to the taxexempt bond credit-enhancement market. More
It may not be the only game in town, but Freddie Mac’s swap product is the most compelling thing in the market these days for developers using tax-exempt bonds to fund their projects. More
Freddie Mac is lowering its pricing even as its credit standards grow more conservative in the first half of 2008. More
What’s old is new again. Fannie Mae has revamped its Delegated Underwriting and Servicing (DUS) guide, the first major update since the DUS program began about 20 years ago. More