Cathedral Square’s Wright House in Shelburne provides 36 affordable housing units... More
Real estate leader Ron Terwilliger, who established the ULI Terwilliger Center for... More
Despite its rigorous standards, Passive House design lends itself to Habitat’s volunteer-driven model. More
Eighty-seven organizations will receive New Markets Tax Credits (NMTCs) to revitalize low-income neighborhoods across the country. More
Three Northeast affiliates receive an $8 million New Markets Tax Credit allocation to build and sell more than 30 homes over seven years. More
HUD to speed federal disaster assistance to Colorado as the state deals with the ongoing High Park and Waldo Canyon wildfires. More
Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) has introduced legislation that would allow Southern states hit by recent storms to receive additional low-income housing tax credits. More
Morgan Stanley and National Equity Fund, Inc. More
U.S. Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan has announced disaster assistance to help recent storm victims in Tennessee and Alabama. More
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INTERNATIONAL has long invited people to pick up a hammer and help build a home for a needy family, but a new program allows people to invest their money in the organization. More