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Reps. Brad R. Wenstrup (R-Ohio) and Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) have introduced legislation that would update the “student rule” for the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program.

Their Housing for Homeless Students Act calls for creating a limited exception to the rule to allow homeless or recently homeless individuals who are full‑time students to live in housing tax credit units.

When introducing the bill (H.R. 7278) in February, the lawmakers explained that the current rule prohibits full-time students from living in LIHTC apartments, noting that this was to prevent dormitories from being built under the housing credit program.However, the prohibition has excluded students struggling with homelessness who would otherwise qualify for the housing.

"Students and veterans should never have to choose between pursuing a full-time education and stable housing. This bill helps those in need to invest in their futures and sets them on the path to achieving the American dream," Wenstrup said. "I'm pleased that this bipartisan bill addresses one aspect of the affordable housing crisis, and I am proud to reintroduce this legislation with my colleague, Rep. Danny Davis."

Wenstrup and Davis said the change will expand opportunities for homeless students, including veterans and foster youths.