Cook Inlet Housing Authority transformed a 62-unit public housing property in Anchorage, Alaska, into 120 townhouse-style units.
Family Finalist: Loussac Place
Cook Inlet Housing Authority's proposal for the redevelopment included renaming the project Loussac Place and using the tagline "Where Families Grow."
Family Finalist: Loussac Place
Loussac Place features a mix of 28 one-bedroom, 40 two-bedroom, 38 three-bedroom, and 14 four-bedroom units.
Family Finalist: Loussac Place
The three- and four-bedroom units are located at the center of the site where the amenities for families are concentrated.
Family Finalist: Loussac Place
The Z.J. Loussac Community Building was designed as a "learning" building and features a sod roof, which provides an ecosystem that gives back to the environment. Solar panels also heat water for the building.