Caswell Court

Anchorage, Alaska

Caswell Court

Developed by Cook Inlet Housing Authority, Caswell Court provides 34 affordable housing units for seniors earning no more than 60% and 50% of the area median income in Anchorage, Alaska. Four units are set aside for formerly homeless residents, 12 for disabled residents, and three for individuals under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act.

Caswell Court

Designed specifically with the senior demographic in mind, the development’s design is easy to understand regardless of the user’s experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentration level. Navigating the building is easy and intuitive. To differentiate the building’s four floors from one another, each level is uniquely colored.

Caswell Court

Caswell Court’s 26 one-bedroom and eight two-bedroom apartments are the latest addition to Cook Inlet Housing Authority’s Centennial Village, a senior housing campus made up of seven developments with 401 units

Caswell Court

The $8.6 million development was financed with tax-exempt bonds issued by the Alaska Housing Finance Corp., purchased by Northrim Bank, and 4% low-income housing tax credit equity from R4 Capital.

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