Affordable Housing Finance is looking to select its next class of Hall of Fame inductees and Young Leaders. This is an opportunity to recognize the industry’s trailblazers as well as its up-and-comers 40 and younger.
The Affordable Housing Hall of Fame was created in 2006 and has inducted 80 longtime leaders from different areas of the industry. Last year’s inductees were Jim Logue, Cinnaire; Jenny Netzer, TCAM; Joe Reilly, The Community Development Trust; Jonathan Rose, Jonathan Rose Cos.; and John Rucker, Stifel.
AHF also has been recognizing industry leaders younger than 40 since 2008. These rising stars represent the development, finance, service, and policy sides of the industry and have had an impact on the field in their own ways.
Please think about those who have made a difference over the years as well as those who are initiating innovative strides to benefit low-income residents as well as the overall affordable housing industry today. Send your nominations for the Hall of Fame and Young Leaders to [email protected] by May 31.
Hall of Fame nominations need to include the nominee’s name, organization, a bio, and why you think the person should be part of this elite group of housing leaders. Letters of recommendation may also be submitted.
For Young Leader nominations, tell us why you think the person has leadership ability, making sure to note the following:
- Where they work and job title;
- How you know them, and for how long;
- How long they have worked in the industry;
- What qualities make them potential leaders;
- What you know about their philosophy, purpose, or career goals;
- Outstanding specific accomplishments that show leadership skill;
- Industry activities and involvement;
- Their age, if you know it;
- Their contact information; and
- Their resume, if you have it.
For more information, please e-mail Christine Serlin at [email protected].
The honorees will be featured in the September/October issue and recognized at AHF Live: The Affordable Housing Developers Summit, Nov. 18-20, in Chicago.