About 76% of the teachers and other educators recently surveyed reported that housing-related challenges are somewhat or very common among their students.

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At the same time, about 38% said they do not know how to connect these students, from kindergarten to 12th grade, with necessary supports, including housing, academic assistance, and mental health services, according to the study by Enterprise Community Partners and The NHP Foundation.

The findings are based on a nationally representative survey of 500 educators, including teachers, aides, and specialists working directly with students, from across the country.

Overall, while three in four educators reported housing-related challenges are somewhat or very common among their students, the problems are more acute at schools serving greater numbers of low-income families. In Title 1 schools, which include a student population that’s at least 40% low income, 87% of the staff surveyed said housing challenges are common compared with 65% in non-Title 1 schools.

Housing challenges could include homelessness, frequent moves, and poor housing quality.According to the study, 95% of the educators agreed that COVID-19 has exacerbated the impact of preexisting housing-related challenges. The three areas most negatively impacted by housing-related challenges are attendance, mental health, and social-emotional skills, report Enterprise and The NHP Foundation.

The housing organizations are collaborating on a forthcoming report based on the survey findings that will highlight trends and share recommendations on how schools, communities, housing providers, government, and nonprofits can work together to address housing challenges that impact educational outcomes.