The new issue of Affordable Housing Finance looks at recent developments that are helping meet the housing needs of teachers and other school employees.
Written by editor Christine Serlin, "Grade A Solutions" digs into how housing costs are impacting educators and the communities where they work along with the innovative solutions being deployed by developers to create essential workforce housing.
The November/December issue also includes:
· A look at the 66-unit Highland Terrace Apartments, part of Enterprise Community Development’s work in Richmond, Virginia;
· An interview with Freddie Mac Multifamily leaders Steve Johnson and Steve Malloy, who discuss the growth of the government-sponsored enterprise’s Small Balance Loan program, plus the latest on Fannie Mae’s Expanded Housing Choice Voucher initiative;
· Best practices for underwriting low-income housing tax credit deals;
· A Q&A with Robin Hughes, president and CEO of the Housing Partnership Network;
· A story on the innovative work being done by the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corp., MaineHousing, and the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, three of the organizations recently recognized by the National Council of State Housing Agencies;
· A profile of Woodhill Station West, the overall winner in this year’s Readers’ Choice Awards, plus all the other category winners; and
· Pop Quiz with Paul Odland, founder and managing partner of Belveron Partners and a board member of Conifer Realty.
Check out the full digital issue here.