AFFORDABLE HOUSING FINANCE asked industry leaders their thoughts on presidential candidates Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Read more
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INTERNATIONAL has long invited people to pick up a hammer and help build a home for a needy family, but a new program allows people to invest their money in the organization. Read more
Paseo Senter at Coyote Creek is making a big difference by providing more than 200 new affordable apartments in Silicon Valley's tough housing market. Read more
THE MICHIGAN STATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (MSHDA) has launched a new cable show to reach residents across the state. Read more
KALAMAZOO, MICH. A nonprofit group has renovated two apartments located here and in nearby Portage for specialneeds residents Read more
State housing finance agencies across the West have been busy reserving their 2008 low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs), and they are in line to receive even more credits following the recent passage of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. Read more
The defining moment of Jennifer Daughtrey Hicks' career in affordable housing happened one summer when she lived on the corner of Haight and Ashbury streets in San Francisco. Read more
How important is supportive housing in helping ex-convicts keep from returning to jail or prison? Just ask one resident of supportive housing whom we'll call Sam. Read more
KALAMAZOO, MICH. A nonprofit group has renovated two apartments located here and in nearby Portage for specialneeds residents Read more
A NEW FEDERAL REPORT says the number of people living on the streets fell by nearly 52,000 from 2005 to 2007, but not everyone is convinced of the findings. Read more
This year's AHF Live: The Tax Credit Developers' Summit -Nov. 5-7 in Chicago-will tackle many of the affordable housing industry's biggest Read more
This July, Nicolas Retsinas stood outside a ruined highrise apartment building in Chengdu, capital of China's Sichuan province. Read more
Barack Obama likes to point out that he began his career as a community organizer. After college, he moved to Chicago and worked with a church-based group to improve conditions in the city's poor neighborhoods. Read more
Freddie Mac is raising its price of debt for tax credit deals, both in permanent loans for 9 percent developments and credit enhancements of tax-exempt bonds. Read more
The Democrats call their 2008 party platform "Renewing America's Promise," and they have made affordable housing and community development an important part of that pledge. Read more
The affordable housing community will look back on the summer of 2008 as one of great accomplishment in working with members of both parties and the administration to enact the most farreaching housing law in decades, the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. Read more
Karen Seddon has taken the helm at the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corp. (HHFDC), the agency that awards low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) and other financing for affordable housing in the state. Read more
The following is a summary of a white paper on federal housing policy developed by the editors of AFFORDABLE HOUSING FINANCE in conjunction with the magazine's Editorial Advisory Board. Read more
Enterprise Community Partners, Inc., has found a new way to help finance green buildings. Read more
The significance of the Merlo Station Apartments can be found both inside and outside its new walls. Read more
KENNETH D. WADE is the CEO of Neighbor- Works America, a national nonprofit that provides financing, technical assistance, and training for community revitalization efforts. Read more
Low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) syndicators remain subdued about the second half of the year after a tough first six months marked by reduced investor equity and sagging prices to affordable housing developers. Although a few syndicators anticipate more money entering the market before the end of the year, their expectations are guarded. Read more
Eighty-four formerly homeless individuals have a place of their own at the new Grace Mary Manor. Developed by the Housing Authority of the County of Salt Lake, the $9 million project opened earlier this year to become just the second permanent supportive- housing development in the state. Read more