With the exception of Manhattan, a market that's the exception to a lot of rules, the nation's core coastal markets saw little if any cap rate compression last year. More
SAN JOSE, CALIF.— Kevin Zwick's job is to make Silicon Valley a more affordable... More
SAN JOSE, CALIF.— Once the site of a sorority house near San Jose State University... More
Paseo Senter at Coyote Creek in San Jose, with its plaza and pedestrian roadway... More
SAN JOSE, CALIF.—Gish Apartments, located here, provides a model for all... More
Paseo Senter at Coyote Creek is making a big difference by providing more than 200 new affordable apartments in Silicon Valley's tough housing market. More
SAN JOSE, CALIF. - Gish Apartments has achieved an honor that no other multifamily... More
SAN JOSE, CALIF.—For Colleen Lamarr, the new apartment she shares with her two young daughters means no longer commuting more than an hour to work. Lamarr and her girls are one of the 300 families that have moved into Corde Terra Village, the newest affordable housing development in San Jose. More