Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has announced the award of $24.8 million in federal low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) and $7.4 million in state housing tax credits, which were signed into law last year, to help create and preserve affordable housing across the state.

WHEDA awarded $10.4 million in federal and state credits to eight developments in the Milwaukee area.
Adobe Stock WHEDA awarded $10.4 million in federal and state credits to eight developments in the Milwaukee area.

The tax credits awarded by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) will help finance 2,308 rental units in 35 developments.

“WHEDA’s tax credit programs provide significant housing opportunities to help boost the state’s economy,” said Evers. “Developers, builders, and industry officials partner with WHEDA to construct much-needed quality, safe housing. Construction jobs created will give Wisconsin an economic shot in the arm.”

From Madison to Green Bay, the federal and state housing tax credits will help developers create affordable housing for families and seniors in 23 counties.

In the Milwaukee area alone, WHEDA awarded $10.4 million in federal and state credits to eight developments, including the 37thStreet School Apartments by Heartland Housing, Merrill Park by Kaylin Nuss, Phillis Wheatley School Redevelopment by Royal Capital Group, River Parkway Apartments and Townhomes by MSP Real Estate, Thirteen31 Apartments by Lutheran Social Services, Main Street Gardens & Cleveland Terrace by Wisconsin Housing Preservation Corp., Milwaukee Scattered Sites No. 2 by Gorman & Co., and Westlawn Renaissance VI by the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee.