A new affordable housing development has opened in Ukiah, Calif., serving some of the area’s most vulnerable individuals.
Developed by Rural Communities Housing Development Corp. (RCHDC), Willow Terrace Apartments provides 26 single-room occupancy and 11 one-bedroom units for people living with a mental illness and who had been formerly homeless or at risk of homelessness. In addition to the housing, wrap-around supportive services will be provided for the residents through the Mendocino County Health and Human Services Agency and other providers.
“Willow Terrace will significantly improve the lives of some of our community’s most vulnerable people,” said RCHDC CEO Brad McDonald. “This development shows that with the right partners, it’s possible to create better opportunities for people who have often had few.”
The Mendocino County Health and Human Services Agency selected RCHDC to serve this specific population in 2015. Leveraging a $1.3 million soft loan from the California Mental Health Services Act, the Ukiah-based nonprofit worked closely with its financial partners to build the $12 million development.
Willow Terrace was financed with federal low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs), with Enterprise Housing Credit Investments as the primary investment partner, and state housing tax credits, which U.S. Bank purchased. The development also received a Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Affordable Housing Program award through member bank Community First Credit Union. It also includes a $3.6 million reserve, funded by LIHTC equity, to ensure financial viability for 20 years.
Designed to be an all-electric and net-zero development, Willow Terrace features an array of photovoltaic panels that provides energy to the residential and common areas. Amenities include a community building with a meeting room and full-service kitchen, three offices for service providers, laundry facilities, and a courtyard.
The project was designed by architect Philippe Lapotre and constructed by Pacific Builders. RCHDC serves as the property manager.